Issue with 240mm Extrusions
Hey folks, I discovered an issue with our 240mm extrusions that will need to be resolved before shipping.
Issue Overview: Mugsy's frame uses two pieces of 240mm extrusion. Except for a couple of pieces, the length is short by as much as 15mm. This causes the back corners of the head unit to not extend far enough to be properly mounted using the corner brackets. This issue only impacts the 240mm size extrusion.
Resolution: Getting new extrusions will take quite a while so I am going low tech and DIY. I have ordered a metal cutting band saw and will be cutting down our surplus 270mm to 240mm. I spent a lot of time researching the saw today and have verified that the onboard material holding options will make sure our measurements are right on the dot with a beautiful finish. Unfortunately, due to the holiday the saw will not arrive at the shop until Friday. I will have it set up by Saturday and begin cutting immediately.
This is an unexpected speed bump but I believe it will be just that, with some minor adjustments to our process we will be back on track by the start of next week.
While waiting for the saw I will be concentrating on things like panel lasering, screen testing, and system wiring so we can hit the ground running once we have some newly cut 240mm on hand.
I'd like to wait until I have some actual successful cuts fitted in the frame before I confirm the new shipping dates for the first units. I will have an update out on Saturday night to let you know how it went.
Well Behaved Bugs
Once I had the above resolution in progress I went to work on some of the offline testing items. It's super important that Mugsy work perfectly whether you have internet or not. There is an issue that causes our CSS layout to break when not connected to the internet.
Obvious bug is obvious.
In the above pic, the top unit is in offline mode while the bottom is online. Now this is my kind of bug. An easily reproducible problem with an even more obvious cause. One of our scripts is calling a CSS file from a remote testing server instead of it's local file system. A simple edit to one line of code and we are good to go.
Ok, thats all for tonight. Next update will be on Wednesday night. I appreciate your time and hope you have a great night.