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An Update on Updates

Hey folks, gonna jump right in!

Updates on Updates

On Thursday I posted on Facebook about adjusting the way I have been handling updates. I expect that only a limited number of you saw it so will post it here too. Check it out:

"After some discussions with community members on the Discord channel, it looks like most would prefer a weekly update with more content instead of multiple smaller updates every 2- 4 days that may not include much new info.

My desire to keep everyone informed can lead to me pushing out updates when there is not much to report and that can definitely be a bit fatiguing to all of you. So, for the next two weeks we will be testing this out. There will be a large update on each Friday. If there is very important info that comes up before the weekly update, I will send that info out immediately in a shorter post.

I always get an update out every 3-4 days but there is often a 24-48 hour variance from when I had planned to send it out. Focusing on a single update with some actual lead time is much easier to manage from a process standpoint. I think it will lead to more informative posts, a more satisfying experience for the reader and it will definitely improve my ability to properly manage expectations.

Big thanks to the community members for their thoughts and advice on this subject! I am always happy to adjust my process if things can be improved.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update which will be chock full of tasty weekly business. I am currently hacking the shipping doc so that it can update itself automatically. I am also changing the styling and layout a bit to provide more info while being easier to read. Manually updating it is becoming seriously unwieldy and it’s becoming less informative instead of more informative. I will have a full rundown in tomorrow’s update and lot more to show and share!

There you go. We will be trying this out for the next couple of weeks. We'll get together at that point and discuss pros/cons and make sure the community is happy with the new process.

Updates On Worksheets

As noted above, the shipping worksheet has become hard to maintain and now seems to be more confusing than informative. I have made the following adjustments :

  • Linked data feeds for real time updates

  • Simplified language

  • Simplified color scheme

  • Added expected delivery date for units that are in progress or at a sort facility

  • New Deep Dive Tool for detailed info about your shipment

The goal was to make getting a high level overview a lot easier while providing access to more detailed in on an as needed basis.

Deep dive.

The Deep Dive tool provides shipping details and if they are available, tracking info and physical location. You can also send a support request directly from the interface if you have any questions.


The new worksheet and the Deep Dive Tool will go live 6pm tomorrow.

The worksheet will be available at the same link as the original when live:

The Deep Dive Tool is available here:

The password requirement will be removed once we go live. You will need your backer/order number and the email address you used when ordering to access your info.

Updates on Clouds

I have converted a quarter of the Cloud Control accounts to production. I am running some tests over the weekend to confirm that everything is working as expected. The remaining accounts will convert On Monday, sometime between 6pm and 12am.

Other Bits

  • 24 units have been delivered or are currently on last mile delivery

  • The next round of unit's are expected to be delivered on the 17th/18th

  • Significant dents in the backlog will start showing up on the 20th

  • The OS and Brew demos have been pushed into next week

  • I finally got around to updating all of the copy for the Alexa, Google and mobile apps. I will be pushing them live over the weekend

Ok, that is all for now. Please check out the above links tomorrow at 6pm for all of your updated shipping info. The next update will be on Friday. If necessary, there will be short form updates and notifications on FB and the Discord channel.

