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Shipping Update

Hey Folks, let’s get to it!

The Bits

  • We did not ship Batch 1 today.

  • There is still about 3-4 hours of packing and admin tasks to finish off.

  • My hours for clearing these remaining tasks are pretty much locked in to the evening hours this week. That puts us out of the postal pick up scheduling windows until Friday or Saturday. I think Friday is possible but Saturday is probably going to be our day.

  • These remaining tasks do require initial hands on work and call making from me specifically, but will be handled by the shipping PMs for subsequent batches.

  • The next update will be Friday or Saturday night. If shipments go out on Friday, it will be announced right when it happens. So if you do not hear from me then, it’s safe to assume it’s going to be Saturday.

  • This update will be published on the KS page tomorrow (Thursday 11/12) by mid-day. (Note: this has not hit the KS page yet but will be pushed before end of day.-m)

Thanks and see you all soon!