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Hey folks, let’s get to it!

  • First things first. I am pushing shipments out to Wednesday, December 12/9.

  • There are a couple of reasons for this. I am making some adjustments to the final parts list. This includes additional supports for the boiler as well as a couple of inserts that go between the two panels in the screen section to reduce flex when using the touch screen. These additions are all in house, so they do not require any manufacturing or purchases. Additionally, there are a couple of days I will be away from the shop at the end of this week, so need to be provide a couple of days buffer there. I will post pics of these updated parts as well as release any CAD models before the end of the week.

  • There have been some additional parts delivered to some local testers but as they are not part of the larger Mugsy community of backers, they don’t really count…

  • I’m working towards a code update and release for this Friday. I’m hoping for an OS drop, but it may be broken into sections depending on what I’m able to hit.

  • The first two assembled units are on track to go out by next weekend. Those tracking numbers will go out sometime next week. Should have some pics of these units to share early next week.

  • Next update will be on Friday.

