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Direct Shipments Have Started

Hey folks, just a super super quick update tonight to let you know that the first direct shipment went out today without issue:

A small step for Mugsy.

Tracking has updated and the backer that this unit is heading to has confirmed they are seeing movement. Delivery is expected on Monday. This is the first unit from the staggered schedule discussed in the previous update. The next directs will be going out Tues/Wednesday and Friday/Monday.

This a tiny step compared to total units, but it's the first of many to get across that finish line. I'm extremely excited to have kits in the wild and to start ramping up delivery quantities over the next couple of weeks.

The build manual uploads will start going out next week. I will be working through the kit assembly online with each backer for these first couple of deliveries. The manual will be updated in real time as we work through the process and we will release the current working version after each session.

I'm gonna take the weekend off and the next update will go out on Monday. There are still a few shipping related questions I have not yet had a chance to hit and I will be getting to all of them then(including updated ETAs). And if all goes as expected, we will have confirmed delivery in time for the update. Stoked!

Ok, thats all for tonight. Have a great weekend!

