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Hey Folks! I just want to quickly go over what the next couple of days look like shipping wise:

  • By end of day tomorrow we should have 10-12 kits ready to go out.

  • First kits are expected to hit the ground Wednesday or Thursday.

  • Over the next week, all backers will receive an email to confirm your current address as well as a packing slip to confirm any add ons you may have added.

  • I think we are probably 2-3 weeks from starting to get assembled units out. The units built during the recording of the assembly vids will be the first ones to go out. Two birds, one stone.

  • I am 2-3 days behind where I want to be on those assembly vids. I will be focusing on that again tomorrow night and will have some shareable content in the next update. I will be sharing the completed info to our beta testers first. I have not actually hooked up with our beta users for the last 2-3 days and plan catching up with them tomo and Saturday.

  • I have started hitting open forum posts and will have any remaining ones answered in the next 12-24 hours.

  • Discord Q/A is set for Tuesday morning, 11am-12pm.

  • As these initial kits have been focused on our North American users, I will start rolling in rest of world updates starting next week. Users outside the US should expect another 2-3 weeks before we have confirmed deliveries in those regions.

  • Next update will be on Saturday night and will have more shipping pics.

Thanks and have a great day!

