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Hey folks, hope all is well out there! Let’s get to it.

The Bits

  • There is a backlog of videos recorded that just need to be edited and pushed live. Hoping to have 2-3 go live each day until 100% are up sometime next week.

  • We have shipped two new units. The next batch of kits is going out on Friday. I have to ship some additional parts to some early beta testers so they can complete their kits. That will also be outbound on Friday.

  • I am working on a long form update that will hit the ground Friday or Saturday. I had hoped to have that ready to go yesterday but this week has been a bit more hectic than expected.

Next 72 Hours:

  • Thursday will be focused on packing boxes.

  • Friday will be shipping first half of day, and then build vids and updates second half of the day.

  • Additional update work if not completed by Friday EOD.

Ok, thats all for now. Small updates will hit FB each day until the long form goes out. Thanks!

