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Hey folks, let’s get to it!

We are super super close to finally shipping! Just grinding through what seems like a hundred tiny but important tasks.

Here are the main bits:

  • Today I finished up the code, testing, user calibration/setup and new mount for the mug sensor. This sensor makes sure there is a mug under the spout before brewing. Early on, this used a light sensor, but it is now using a standard SR04 sonar sensor. Cheap and robust. I have uploaded the STL to the Github already and the code is being added to the Commander.ino file.

  • I have been slowly reaching out to folks who ordered assembled units in preparation to ship them out. I expect we will have 2-5 out in the next week or two.

  • I am still tweaking kits a bit and they will be heading out very soon. I do not have an ETA but some kits will 100% be shipping before the holiday.

  • I am currently installing WikiFAB to run our build docs. This will allow us to have build docs that are in a similar style to iFixIt and Prusa build docs. I have the server spun up and just need to install the app, which I should be able to dedicate time to finish by Wednesday. Using WikiFAB will allow community members to easily edit and add documentation which should get us to a V1 state much faster than I am able to on my own.

Ok, that is all for right now. I will have another update before the end of the week, and sooner if anything big pops up.
