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Hey folks! After three negative covid tests, one negative strep test and a misplaced 10lbs, I am now feeling pretty much back to normal.

I lost just about 2 and a half weeks of productive time. I expect that the rest of this week will be spent catching up before there is any progress or news to report. This week will also include the bulk of my move, as that had to be put off the last two weeks as well.

Best estimate to resume shipping is early next week, probably Tuesday or Wednesday. The first proper long form update in a while should be out by the weekend, but I’m giving myself till Monday/Tuesday if necessary.

The first couple of tasks will be hitting emails and then I will be moving on to code pushes and getting the forum back up.

I also expect to have a couple of completed units in 2-3 backers’ hands in 2-3 weeks. More details will be available in the next update.

Ok, that is all for now. If something newsworthy pops up between now and the next update I will push something out immediately. If not, the next update will be out sometime from Sat-Tues.
