Hey Folks! Just a couple of quick things to hit tonight:
The move is about 60% complete at this point. I should be 100% moved over to the place by end of day Saturday.
My desk and workstation is up and running but I’m not quite ready to start packing kits or working on much more than software right now. I will have a better idea on when packing units will pick up by Sunday.
Over the last week I have been reaching out to folks who ordered assembled units and will be hand delivering a few in the NYC / tri-state region. This is expected to start happening the 3rd or 4th week of September. I do have a quick work trip to Denver the week of the 22nd, so there is a chance those deliveries may be pushed back an additional week.
Next update will be on Sunday and I will be good to have a breakdown on delivery timelines at that point.
Thanks and have a great rest of your week!