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Hey folks, hope all is well out there! Here are the bits for tonight:


  • As discussed in the previous update, I am still very confident that units will ship before the end of the year, or the first week of January at the latest.


  • The frontend has continued to be my primary focus over the last several days. It will remain the primary focus for another few shifts. There is still a bunch to do, but it’s mostly small wins, 15-30 min per item in most cases.

  • I did some additional work on the recipe list screen, finalizing the horizontal scroll view:

Some things to note:

  • After testing a few different layouts, the horizontal scrolling of cards from off screen felt the best. The interaction is smooth and obvious, and the cards are a good size, resulting in improved readability at all angles.

  • Above the recipe cards, is a group of tabs that allow you to scroll through different sets of recipes:

    • Favorites: anything you have set as a favorite.

    • Everything: All recipes, by current user or by machine.

    • Community: Recipes by the community or friends. This options requires a connection to the Mugsy Cloud Control server.

    • Search: Search for local or community based recipes. You can search by ratings, coffee type, brew strength, and lots of different tags.

  • I know some folks will prefer a denser layout with more info in the view window. There is a table view option which will list recipes and recipe details as a standard data grid. I have not added the render logic for this yet, but will share a screen shot once completed.

  • The data source used in the screenshot is a dev db that currently has some empty fields within the recipe objects. The cards will show the important recipe details as well as tags or a short blurb depending on config.

  • That Edit button will most likely end up with different wording. I’m thinking “more”, “info”, or “details” is probably better. I have not allocated any brain cycles to finalizing it yet, so for now it’s staying Edit.

Recipe Builder:

  • I have not touched this since last week so there is still an hour or two of work before I can demo.

  • Remaining work is related to a few additional useEffect loops to handle the rendering of set step values and the passing of those values through the different components and back to the API.

Back End:

  • DECAF is pretty much ready to go and will probably be the first code released on the GitHub Org page (

  • Not sure if I spoke about this previously, but I did end up integrating Beanie into the backend setup. Beanie simplifies working with MongoDB from FastAPI. I found I was writing a bunch of one off middleware for certain endpoints and it was an unnecessary time sink. You can find more info on Beanie here, and I will discuss its usage within MugsyOS in a future update and in the backend docs.


  • In the coming days we will need a couple of code reviewers to start helping out with PRs from the community. If you are interested, please shoot me an email at


  • With the holidays fast approaching, my day to day schedule is going to be a bit random. The time I will be able to devote to Mugsy will steadily increase over this week as I finish up day job tasks before our winter break.

  • I don’t want to put a hard date on the next update’s release, but will get at least one out before Christmas day. That will include a run down on the following week’s schedule, which will be 100% focused on Mugsy.

Ok, that is all for now. See you soon and happy holidays!