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Hey folks! Tonight is going to be a pretty quick update. Here are the main bits:

  • This week was a SLOG at the day job while we finished up the last proper sprint of the year. I was not able to dedicate as many hours to Mugsy as I would have liked but I did squeeze in a bunch of front end work here and there when possible.

  • Here is a new screenshot of the Recipe Builder with the Brew Template section expanded:

  • Some things to note:

    • Since this is not yet hooked up to the API, it’s not showing any template data values.

    • Connecting the Recipe Builder component to the API is the last requirement before I can call the frontend ready to go. Plan is to finish that this weekend and share the results and a demo the second I’m done.

    • Color scheme is different in this screenshot, but I’m not spending time tweaking colors. Just using one of the other theme options now available to the front end.

  • Shipping: I am now feeling pretty firm on the limited assembled units shipping before the end of the month, or within the first week of January at the very latest. I have just under two weeks of time off from the day job for the holidays and feel confident that I will be able to wrap up any remaining tasks with room to spare for any surprise blockers. I expect to have an actual shipping date to share by the 20th.

Ok, that is all for now. I wish I had more new stuff to share today but felt it was better to get this out instead of pushing another day or two. Next update will be when I’m ready to demo the frontend. Should be Sunday but I’m gonna give myself a couple of days buffer.
