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Shipping Quickie: Part 3

Hey folks! Here are the bits:

  • The next round of shipments will be going out this Wednesday, 4/27.

  • Currently, I am set to ship at least 7 kits on Wednesday. With a small chance of adding a couple more depending how Tuesday goes.

  • The backers receiving these kits will will get confirmation/tracking emails on Tuesday or Wednesday.

  • I will also be shipping a single assembled unit on Wednesday.

  • I will be traveling for work next week, from Sunday 5/1 to Wednesday 5/4. There will be no additional shipments until after I am back.

  • I am sorry to still be way behind on a proper long form update to cover demos, build manuals, ETAs for all units, etc. I am working on it any time I can grab some time and will have it out as soon as I can.

The next update will be out on Wednesday to confirm shipments. Thanks!