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Hey folks, here are the bits:

Mech Control PCB: The mech control PCB went to fab yesterday as planned. Thinking it will be completed tonight or tomorrow and will likely ship by Thursday at the latest.

The schematic and board files are available in the Design repo:

Cloud Control: As of today Im back on Cloud Control until completion. Here are the following tasks I will be working through over the next few days:

  • Complete Recipe List view

  • Integrations List and Detail view

  • Complete Pour Pattern Designer view

Minus the integration views, the other functionality already exists within the machine’s interface, so a lot of the work is just tweaks to fit it into Cloud Control’s structure and API.

There is also some machine linking backend tests to run through.

I expect to have this wrapped by Friday, maybe Saturday. At that point, I will need a few hours to open the beta and expect to do so on Monday.

Next Cloud Control update will be on Sunday. I’ll also have a short update to confirm receipt of the PCBs once they arrive.
