Hey folks, the vacuum former adjustments worked perfectly. I'm totally amazed with how simple it is to get a usable vacuum former set up. I do need to get some thinner(1.5mm) ABS sheeting though. The ABS I had on hand was a bit too thick(3mm) to properly wrap the original model. I have a couple hundred sheets of 1.5mm getting to the shop tomorrow.
The box:
Here is a quick video of the process using a piece of extrusion. By the time I got the camera out I had run through the original ABS so I'm using some model making plastic in the demo. You can see that it's a bit squishy and doesn't properly wrap but it's enough to see how the process works. There is also a sneaky peaky short clear side panel clip.
Ok, so that blocker is just about taken care of. I will have the plans for the former on Thingiverse soon and will post the link in the next update.
Whats next
Catching up on all the things I didn't do while working out the cap resolution!
Assembled units are almost completely re-assembled, just need to mount the pumps and water sweep arms.
Finish foam cutting
Do clear side panel demos for the forum once pumps and sweeps are reinstalled(should also reroute screen's flex cable so it doesn't break up the view)
Finish editing start to finish brew process footage.
Pack up the kits!
Pack up 001,002,003!
Our next opportunity to ship will be on Friday. I will be pushing out the next update on Wednesday and will confirm if we are good to ship then.
OK, thats all for now! I'll see you all on Wednesday.