Universe, V2
Hey folks, hope all is well! Going to jump right in tonight.
Magnetic Panel and Cone Removal Demo
I'm extremely happy with how these panel mounts have turned out. They will be used on the top panel and both side panels. It's a super seamless and satisfying connection method, and it makes accessing internals so easy.
You can download the STL here: https://github.com/margyle/MugsyDev/blob/master/CAD/panelMagnetMount.V4.stl
The Universe, V2
The last two weeks have been very productive and I was able to knock out several items. I have a few more shifts to grind through over the next week. They include:
Remaining interface work: 3-4 shifts
Finalizing the Auto Update setup: 1 shift
Molding run for the mag mounts: using a local service provider for this
Assorted fit and finish: 2-4 Shifts
This should all line up with next Thursday. From there I will be able to sign off on these items and proceed to shipping set up and the NYC meetups.
If everything goes as planned, the first shipping window will be Tuesday, April 9th. The Universe V3 update will go out next Thursday(4/4) and I will be verifying that we are on schedule then so there will be no surprises.
NYC Backer Meetup
There will be two sessions, one the weekend of 4/6-7 and one the following weekend of 4/13-14. Each session will be 3-4 hours long. I am still working out the specific times and will keep everyone updated. I am WAY behind on non-support emails and I'm not even going to attempt to get to them until the weekend.
OK, thats all for tonight. Next update will be on Sunday.