Hey Folks, hope you have had a great weekend! Let's get to it!
International Part 2
I have started integrating the language translations. I still need to add the options to the machine settings form. Check it out:
We've gotten a few more translations in since the last update so here is an updated list:
Cornish Portuguese
There are a few more phrases and words that need to be added to the translation form. I'll be doing that tomorrow. We are still looking for help with Spanish and Italian translations. If you can help, check out the translation form here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SM67b2O9SRr4dr-E5pVYIc5TPDQEzf-SNUanTAJUt7g/edit?usp=sharing
To Do List
I was able to knock out a bunch of tasks from the To Do list. 15 out of 20 items are now complete and 2 are in progress:
Mas green
Over the next 48 hours I will be concentrating on the code consolidation and disk image task as well as finishing up the oAuth conversion.
Website Preorders Closing
Website preorders are closing at 5pm tomorrow. There is no current estimate on when it will reopen. If you are trying to get in on the batches we are currently preparing, it's now or never.
We had very limited confirmed turn out for today's meet up. With the significant location costs it made sense to move it to next weekend so more folks could come. Don't fret though, we will be streaming this Thursday's show and tell from The Liberty Science Center After Dark event, Whiskey in Westoros.
Game of cones?
More details on the above to come out in the next update.
OK, thats all for tonight. Next update will be on Tuesday or Wednesday. We will be doing our "State of the Universe" update which will include shipping info/updates.
Thanks and hope all is well!