Waste not, want not...
Hey folks, just a few things to go over today.
Fulfilment Update
Our FBA shipments should start moving as of Monday. Using FBA was meant to simplify the entire shipping process but the reality is that the set up was much more time consuming and complicated than I had planned and prepared for. I'm annoyed with some of the hoops I've had to jump through but this is on me. I made a lot of assumptions about the process that resulted in these days. Lesson learned.
Assembled Units
I have moved back to assembly of completed units. I am hoping to get our first completed units shipped out before the end of this upcoming week.
Android or Apple?
I have set up a form to get a rough idea on what the backer mobile breakdown. This will help in planning any upcoming mobile app and integration projects.
You can find it here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0nkgKU6l-N9xAihCblHv8l8eU66TE9WmM3pGi0pNFQsCFzw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Build Manual
We are in the final stages of the manual release. I am using the build out of our assembled units to finalize the design and actual build process. Plan is to release the manual in PDF form at the end of next week. From there they will go to print. Any units that shipped before the build manual was printed will still get a hard copy, but it will take a couple weeks as I will be shipping using media mail.
The digital build doc will eventual turn into a wiki style website. It will improve as more folks build their kits and discover more efficient ways of doing things.
This Month In Mugsy History
Here is a new feature inspired by Google Photo notifications...
In August of 2016 our good friend Jason(https://www.instagram.com/botbq/) made these amazing Mugsy bots out of coffee grounds! Jason is a maker focused on 3D printed food and developed his own process and adhesive to make these logos. Check em out:
Waste not…
How cool is that? This was just before Mugsy started getting some serious traction as Jason was one of my earliest maker buds. Probably one of the first 5 people to know it even existed. Pretty cool...
Ok, thats all for now. Next update will be on Monday.