Manual Update

Hey folks, today I wanted to jump back on Build Manual info as discussed in the previous updates. Let's get to it!

Where Are We At?

At this point I think I am around 80% complete on the build manual. The remaining pages are related to the actual power, data, and plumbing interconnect instructions and diagrams.

Here are some examples of completed diagrams:

The actual interconnect instructions are a bit more complicated. It is really important to nail the symbols and keep it super simple. Up until this point, the instructions have been simple, black and white line drawings so the manual is easy to print. But for some connection types, I think a bit of color really helps.

Here is an example of what I mean:

Most of Mugsy's interconnects are JST connections or ribbon cables, and it's almost impossible to mess those up. But for these block terminal edge cases, I think it's a good idea to include a set of color illustrations as a reference for when black and white isn't as clear as it could be.

I also think there might be a way to simplify the illustrations but I don't want to waste time researching other options. I'm going to add a terminal numbering scheme. After that, I think we will be really close to something that is easy to follow for the vast majority of users.

I will continue finishing up these final pages and then do a push to the Github on Monday. Tonight I will be working my final freelance robot doctor shift at Nike so will not be responding to emails/tickets until Sunday/Monday. Robot Dr. was a blast for a while but I found it made it nearly impossible to keep a proper schedule with anything else. I'm back to remote LAMP stack dev as of a couple of weeks ago which has really helped me get back into the swing of managing Mugsy's final goal posts.

I will be working on the build manual tomorrow, but will mostly be AFK throughout the day and taking it a little easy. Next shipping and demo update will be on Monday. It will also include whatever manual progress was made.

Thanks and have a great rest of your weekend!


