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Hello World

Hey folks! Just wanted to quickly touch base and give a quick update on what's been happening at Mugsy HQ in NYC. We've continued to be in a bit of a holding pattern this week as restrictions and fallout from Covid-19 have increased exponentially in the city. My primary focus has been keeping the day job humming and food on the table. I expect that this will continue for another couple of days and possibly through this weekend before I finally get some breathing room.

Mugsy is not being pushed to the side, and work is still being done when possible. But this week it has definitely been logging minutes instead of hours. I am working to increase output and shipping efficiencies with some folks but those plans are still in the very early discussion phases.

This weekend I will be in a better position to get out a proper long form update with a focus on shipping details and other news/info dumps. My plan is to have this out on Saturday or Sunday evening. I will also be spending a few hours on emails this weekend. I know there are a few of you still waiting for replies and I look forward to getting back to you ASAP.

Thankfully, things are ok for us here at HQ. We are healthy and figuring out how to thrive in this strange new world and not simply just get by. I hope all of you out there are doing ok and my thoughts are with you and your loved ones wherever you might be.

OK, thats all for now. I'll see all of you this weekend as we start getting back to business and pushing to that finish line. Thanks!

