
Hey folks, hope all is well out there!

I wanted to touch base and hit a few items tonight and share what the next one to two weeks looks like.

  • The last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic so apologies for the delay in sending out a proper update. Since our last update we have shipped a couple of more units but no significant bulk shipments yet.

  • 1-2 unit shipments will continue for the next week or so before I am confident we can get multiple (10+) unit batches out.

  • Support requests time has gone down a ton. Greater than 90% of all tickets are responded to within 24 hours. There are still some languishing tickets and it will probably be 3-4 days before 100% are hit.

  • The next long form update is still a few days away. There is a lot I want to cover but I need to string a few more sessions together before it’s ready. Some folks are requesting I just publish it now in whatever form it is in, and I am sympathetic to this thinking. But with so many specific questions to cover, I don’t want to push it live for a bunch of folks to then be bummed I didn’t cover X,Y and Z. My goal is to get it out ASAP and it will be soon.

The Next Week

  • Over the next several days I will continue to work on ramp up and the long-form update. The next small batch shipment will be between Thursday-Saturday.

  • The next update will go out on Wednesday or Thursday. If the long-form update is not ready by then, there will at least be an update on shipping and OS topics.

  • The next update after that will be on Sunday or Monday, timing is a little wonky due to the holiday so I will confirm this in the mid-week update.

OK, that is all for now. I will be doing desk hours each evening this week and will be available by email if anyone needs anything. I look forward to talking more soon and I hope you have a great rest of your week!

