Where are we at?

Hey folks, hope all is well out there. Let’s get to it!


 • Where are we at?

The last couple of months have been a slog for sure. I will admit that over the last 6-8 weeks I have let Mugsy slip to a lower priority during certain periods, so progress has stalled  several times. The fallout from Covid (hard things like layoffs and acceptable but bummer inducing things like wedding rescheduling) was compounded as time went on and it is only very recently that the pressure has started to lift. We are healthy and I do not want to complain. I know that I am incredibly lucky and privileged to say we got through it as well as we have.

 All of the pressures of the last few months are not novel or unheard of, so I don't want to lean on them too much. Better communication from my end would have quelled a lot of frustration from the customer's perspective. I apologize for that and will be much more active on all channels moving forward.

 As for new shipments:

The next small batch will be going out this weekend. It will be in low quantities and primarily US based, minus 1-2 units going to EU.

I have a lot of additional updates to go out as well, these will start going out on Sunday. There may be smaller updates before then, but I only want to publish something if we have important or actual news to share.

Sunday’s update will have more concrete details on what the next couple of weeks look like, including scheduling, inventory and timelines to user demos.

 • New Build Vids!

New build Vids are back in production as of this past weekend. They will be released as they get bounced down, so there will not be a specific release date. First day to touch these again will be on Thursday, but I am not expecting things to start really moving until the weekend.

 • Tickets

Right now there is a significant backlog on tickets. Total quantity is 28 tickets that need to be processed. It will be a few days before I am able to work through all of them. I will be able to get to a significant chunk of Wednesday with the rest getting covered through the rest of the week.'

• Refund Processing

I wanted to clear the air on the refund process as well. The majority of refunds requested clear within the standard 5-10 business days. But a not insignificant quantity of them take much longer to process. The primary reason for this is that the bulk of Mugsy funds are already allocated to the hardware for those specific units. It can often take several weeks to convert those funds back into refundable cash. Despite those delays, all refund requests are honored and will be fulfilled.
