The Bits
I pushed an additional revision of the PCB to the fabrication house today. This revision fixed some labeling, updated the Nano’s pinout to a 2x5 pinout from 1x10, and added screw terminal jacks for the extra 14v and 5v outputs. I also added M3 mounting holes.
This revision does not change any of the basic functionality of the 20 boards currently in fab. This means that if the first batch passes testing, they will be used as is for the first shipments.
I’m using a different fab house for the second revision and had them made in basic PCB green, which has a quicker turnaround time. These should be fab’d in 24 hours and then land in NYC in 2-3 days.
By the end of this week, we should have 30 PCBs on my desk. Once tested, I will be batching out orders of 50 PCBs until we have 100% coverage.
If you missed the previous update, you can find additional details on the PCBs here: https://www.heymugsy.com/blog/2021/4/9/pcb-update
Current fabrication status of the V .1 PCB
Render of the updated V .3 PCB
Other Bits
Now that vaccines are flowing, I was able to meet face to face with the person who will be helping out with Mugsy’s business ops for the first time since Covid started. The meeting went well, and we discussed what the next few weeks look like. I will be working these notes/details into a future update to come out at some point in the next week or two.
I have built up a significant back log of email requests and it will be 3-4 days before 100% are hit. Apologies to anyone who is waiting.
No updates on beta kits/users just yet, but will share those details as soon as we make some headway.
Next proper update will be this weekend. I expect to have the PCBs hit before then, so will share info on that the moment I have them in my hands.