Hey folks, let’s get to it!
The Bits
Today I received an updated version of the PCB, this is actually the 4th design of the board (2/3 were not fabricated):
This version fixed a few different issues with the previous board. Most importantly, two swapped traces on the RFID connection, missing mounting holes and proper screw terminals for the 5v/14v outputs.
I will begin wiring up this new version tomorrow and testing over the next couple of days. Although this will give us a good idea of how everything is working, there is yet another revision currently in fab. This new revision adds over-voltage protection on the stepper’s power pin, fault detection for if/when the stepper driver overheats, wider traces for the power rails, fixes alignment on some JST-XH connections, provides full labeling for the PI pin out, and adds an onboard led for status. I have also lowered the motor supply voltage from 14v to 12v. These final updates make the PCB much more robust and efficient.
Although there will be additional testing required when the next version lands, the board is very similar to the ones currently in hand, so it will be a fairly quick check of the new additions. I expect these boards to be in my hands on Thursday or Friday of this week. Here are some pics/renders of the board from Eagle and Fusion:
No, I did not catch that date typo before sending to fab…
Other Bits:
I am currently rewriting the main Arduino runtime to utilize the updated DRV8825 stepper drivers. This will be completed and hit the Github tomorrow or Wednesday.
By this weekend I will be in a good position to start discussing the shipping outlook again. This will be included in Sunday’s update.
I have an s-ton of emails reply to. They are in progress and I hope to have them all completed soon.
I will have a quickie going out on Friday to discuss how PCB testing went and to confirm the delivery of the next revision.
Ok, that is all for now. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and I look forward to sharing more news on Friday and Sunday. Cheers!