
Hey folks! The antibiotics have kicked in and I am finally back at my desk for the first time in just about a week. Yay science!

This update will be light on news but there are few things I’d like to hit as I get back up to speed over the next 2-3 days.

  • Shipments will pick up on Monday, 8/16.

  • On 8/16 or 8/17 I will be releasing the shipping ETA for 100% of KS and web orders as discussed in a previous update.

  • I’ve probably only scratched out 2-3 email replies while I was sick. Backlog is pretty large and I probably won’t hit any emails until late in the weekend. 100% will be completed by Tuesday.

  • Next proper update will be on Monday or Tuesday. I also have some moving tasks to hit on Saturday and Sunday so I may be slow to respond to new email and social channel contacts until Monday.

  • I have not forgotten about the forum! It will be back up and running in time for the next update.

Thanks and see everyone soon!

*Please note that when this post originally went live, I incorrectly had the dates listed as September instead of August. This has been corrected. Apologies for any confusion!
