Shipping Bits

Hey folks, here are the important bits for today:

  • No new news on shipments yet. The initial assembled unit did need some minor tweaks after running some brew cycle tests(minus coffee). This was resolved quite quickly but I have not yet had a chance to pack up and ship yet. This unit will ship on Thursday, as Wednesday is looking like it may be a slog at the day job.

  • The second assembled unit should be completely assembled and tested by the end of this weekend with an expected ship date of Monday, 1/24.

  • I’m looking to start shipping kits at somepoint next week, probably Wednesday or Thursday.

  • I will have more info on kit shipments in another shipping update that will go out on Thursday.

  • OS/Frontend work is ongoing with some additional pushes to Github since the last update. I am currently working on the router and will be moving on to the Recipe Maker once the Router is pushed.

  • I’m hoping to be able add content to on Friday.

Ok, that is all for now, I will see everyone on Thursday with some updated shipment info and hopefully some confirmations. Cheers!
