Software Quickie
Hey folks, here is a brief rundown on what I am currently working on. Primary task is updating the first boot process to simplify initial user creation and logging on to the local wifi network. The basic process is this:
On first boot, start up an adhoc wifi network and display a QR code.
User scans the QR code, which will connect them to Mugsy to select the actual local wifi connection.
For single user creation, a QR code is also used. When a user scans the code, they will be taken to a local page on the machine to enter a numerical passcode.
Wifi details and user creation can still be handled directly on the Mugsy’s screen, but it can be a little unwieldy to type long wifi passwords with the current input options, so a more seamless option is warranted.
I currently have the system creating the adhoc network, as well as the QR code generation. I am now exposing that functionality in Mugsy’s front end. I think I may be able to get it wrapped up by Wednesday. At that point I’ll record a quick demo video of the process and the rest of the updated interface.
I do not have an update on shipping times yet, but should have a better idea at the end of this week.
Next update will be on Wednesday or Thursday night. Thanks!