Weekend Bits
Hey folks! I hope all is well out there. Nothing major to announce tonight but I’d like to quickly go over what I will be working on over the next 24-48 hours:
There are a few straggler MongoDB collections that still need to have their object shapes finalized.
Updating Commander.ino to better integrate with the latest version of Decaf and the task management setup. This is mostly updating the serial commands and adding some additional meta data so the microcontroller knows what task it is currently controlling. The end goal here is to allow Decaf to have a better “understanding” of how an individual brewing task is progressing on the hardware side, while also simplifying the functional structure of the microcontroller code itself.
Finalizing the HTTPS set up for integration API requests that originate from somewhere other than the local hardware itself. Please note that by default, Mugsy will refuse/block these connection types unless you specifically allow them and configure access keys in the specific integration’s settings page.
Getting any CAD/STL files that have not yet been made public pushed to Github.
As for shipping, I am tentatively working towards 1 or 2 assembled units going out the end of next week, or early the following week. As I move through the next several days, I will continue to set expectations on if that is looking likely or not.
There will be another update going out this weekend, most likely Sunday night. This will be similar to last week’s update with detailed info on updated and completed functionality/systems/etc.
Thanks and have a great weekend!