
Hey folks, hope all is well out there! Here are the current bits:

  • Quick Travel: I have to head to Boston today on short notice. I will be back on Friday.

  • Work output: I am happy to report that whatever bug I was dealing with is pretty much out of my system. I am feeling way better and have been able to string a lot more hours together each day. That being said, I am definitely behind where I wanted to be by now and am playing catch up:

    • Shipping: Assembled unit shipments are at least a week away, but I do not think it will be longer than two weeks

    • Code Release Frontend: For the frontend, the only remaining work is some additional tweaks/testing of the recipe builder component. I am feeling good about finishing this up this weekend and having a full front end demo to show by Sunday’s update. If good to go, that repo will be pushed live on Monday.

    • Code Release Backend: I have not touched this in a few days and think there is probably another week’s worth of coding sessions to be ready to demo and release. I am hoping to have this wrapped up no later than Sunday the 11th.

  • Updates on Updates: Sunday’s update will be focused on the frontend only with some minor updates on other task buckets. I will not have any new deep info on the backend until the next update after that.

  • Recipe Builder: The updated recipe builder has turned out great and I think folks are going to be stoked. The original builder was clunky, and needed way more work conceptually on how to do a few complex things more simply. The recipe creation process has been streamlined and with the integration of brew templates, it’s extremely quick to dial in your perfect brew. I posted a quick pic last night of the numpad component used for entering numerical values. Without the additional context of the complete recipe builder, it’s pretty anti-climactic, but I will post it here again for folks who may have missed it:

  • Support Contacts: Due to the short notice travel today, I will be slow to respond to emails until I am back on Friday.

Ok, that is all for now. Please accept my sincerest thanks for your patience while I got through these health bummers the last several weeks, it is really appreciated. I’m looking forward to wrapping up these last bits in the coming days and having lots more good news to share. See everyone on Sunday!
