Hey folks! After several days spent under the weather, I am now feeling pretty good, all things considered. This evening is my first real chunk of productive time since last week.
Obviously not much new to report just yet, so I would like to at least go over what the next few days look like.
First batch of tasks will be the remaining items from my previously shared todo list:
Finishing up Comander.ino updates
HTTPS config
Pushing any unpublished CAD parts.
By Thursday I will begin finishing up any remaining Decaf/frontend tasks and triple checking my work. I expect to spend 1 or 2 shifts here, but these will mostly be small/easy wins to get ready for official release.
On Friday or Saturday I will be doing actual brew testing with the latest version of the software.
By Monday, I should be good to start pushing the latest code to the new Github Repos. You can find and follow them by clicking here.
By Tuesday/Wednesday I should be able to confirm shipment dates for the first assembled units and kits.
Next significant update with dives into functionality will be out no later than Saturday or Sunday. If I am able to knock a ton off stuff of the plate sooner, I will update on Friday.
Thanks and I will see everyone in a few days!