
Hey folks, let’s get to it!

The Bits:

  • This week I met online with the backer receiving the first official assembled unit. We went over the initial start-up and testing process so he can verify the machine is in perfect working order once it is in hand. I have created a doc with all the steps we covered and will be publishing it build.heymugsy.com wiki shortly. This unit will be shipping on Thursday. There were some additional delays that have been resolved in the last day.

  • Kit shipments will also be starting tomorrow, a day later than I stated last week. Qty will be very low, I’m shooting for five but will be excited as long as we get out 1 or 2.  Anyone receiving one of these kits will be emailed tomorrow (3/31). Higher quantities of shipments are 2-3 weeks away.

  • SMS control of Mugsy, as well as some other cloud features will not be in production for at least 2-3 weeks. The cross-platform app, web interface, and terminal controls will be live immediately for anyone with a machine. There are no issues with the cloud features, but I haven’t touched that code in many months so want to brush the dust off and test it against the current code. I will have an additional update focusing on these features in 2 weeks.

  • I have also been reconfiguring some of the public servers that will host these features (again!). I still have not gotten the forum back up but have made this a priority to hit ASAP now that limited units will be hitting doorsteps. As mentioned previously, all previous content is safe and the site will have 100% of it once it is back online. I expect to have this wrapped up no later than next weekend.

  • Over the last two weeks, several outstanding refund requests were processed and completed. There are a few still waiting, and they should all be completed by the mid-April.

  • And not unexpectedly, I have built up a little backlog of emails to hit. I’ll be tackling these over the next 2-3 nights.

  • I will be traveling from Saturday, 4/2 to Wednesday, 4/6. There will be no new updates until Friday the 8th. I may be slow to respond to emails during this period as well.

Ok, that is all for now. Thanks and I will see you with our next update on Friday, 4/8. Cheers!
