Shipment will restart on Tuesday, 5/31

Hey folks, just two quick things to hit tonight:

  • Shipments will pick up again on Tuesday the 31st. I’m not sure on totals yet and will be using this upcoming weekend to re-focus and organize for sustainable shipments.

  • Covid sucks. A lot. Today is the first day I’ve eaten solid food and that I feel mostly like myself since getting sick. Due to the lost time over the last two weeks, I am WAY behind on emails. I am slowly catching up but it will be another 2-3 days before 100% are covered. If you are waiting, please keep an eye out for a reply very soon.

Ok, that is all for now. Next update will be sometime this weekend. Monday is a holiday here in the states, so I considering this upcoming Monday night as still the weekend…Thanks and see everyone soon!
