Hey folks, hope all is well out there! Let’s get to it.
The Bits:
Assembly has continued and I’m working through what seems like a million tiny tasks to get us over the finish line. I think under even under the best of circumstances, shipping is still 1-2 weeks away. I wish I could say I just need to tighten some screws and we’re done but there is a bunch to do. Luckily, none of it is big picture stuff. It’s all things like “you never added the limit switch code for the water spout” or “that weight sensor call is still responding to requests with dummy data”.
The last couple of days was focused on finishing up some additional tweaks to the microcontroller code and the back end task scheduler. I have been making great progress on coding tasks and did not end up switching back to work on the hopper yet. Today I finalized the cone stepper control code. Here is a quick and dirty vid of some cone spinning action (There is a smidge of wobble due to the belt tension being slightly out of spec on my test unit) :
Even small updates are taking a lot of mental bandwidth right now. Being so close to completion, I find myself working on things that will make good update content instead of just grinding through what needs to be done. I’m going to remove that from the mental equation and just say updates will go out on Sunday night unless there is something big to share. As soon as the machines are in a state for seamless full functionality demos, I will be posting a ton of content on a daily basis.
Thank you again for all those who have stuck around this long. I'm extremely grateful and eager to share Mugsy with all of you very very soon!