
Hey folks, hope everyone had a great holiday and is ready for the new year. Here are today's bits:

Shipping: I still feel confident that we will ship by the end of this week, shooting for Friday or Saturday.

Here is what this week will look like:

Today: Continuing on code cleanup, tweaks and one offs.

Tuesday: This will be my first day back at the day job after the holiday break. I may have some room for Mugsy work in here, but keeping it tentative as I'm not sure how the day will shake out.


  • Code: I expect this is when the Decaf API source will be pushed to the new Mugsy org repo.

  • Assembly: I will begin final assembly for the first assembled unit going out. The main focus here will be integrating the new hopper design as well as yet another revision on the front panel stabilizer.

  • Update: On Wednesday night I will have an update published that is focused on the software feature set that will be running in the initial assembled units. Basic gist of it is that some community/cloud features will not be live during this initial user testing period. Production functionality will initially be focused on brewing, local machine management and a few select API integrations.


  • This should be the day I am able to push the frontend to the org repos.

  • Complete any remaining assembly and prep for shipment.


  • Possible ship day and an update will go out confirming status, plus any remaining to-do items if they exist.

Ok, that is all for now. I hope everyone has a great new year and I will see you on Wednesday night!
