Quick Status Update
Hey folks, hope all is well out there! Here is the current status on the assembled unit shipment:
We have not shipped yet. I have run into 3 blocking issues during assembly so far:
Status: Solution designed, implementation in progress
Issue: My planned design using a horizontal acrylic tube as the hopper did not work out fit wise. I did some math and realized that if I used a larger diameter cylinder, I could cut the length requirements down and fit the tube vertically between the top panel and the grinder’s input. This has a few additional benefits:
it actually increased storage volume.
coffee can be loaded without removing the top panel.
less parts
increases hopper stability
much more available room within the head unit enclosure space, allowing for better routing of wiring and mounting of other hardware.
The larger hopper tubing will be here on Monday and I am currently testing the grinder side mount design for the new set up. I still have to design the mount for the top of the hopper.
Front Panel and Screen Stabilizers:
Status: Solution designed, implementation in progress
Issue: The hopper updates impacted the internal layout of some extrusions, removing the ability to mount the stabilizers as planned. This is an easy fix. Just need to use some double ended m3 screws to mount the stabilizer directly to the screen’s back plate. I was unable to find them locally but have some inbound and they will arrive on Monday. For those wondering what a double ended screw is, you’ve probably seen them when building Ikea furniture. For our use case, we just need a smaller, machine type screw:
Status: Not worked on yet.
Issue: Some of the front end interface views/components are not rendering correctly when running on the actual Mugsy hardware and screen. This is either a minor CSS issue, or something up with the current Chromium version. I expect an easy fix but have not yet jumped in to confirm the actual cause yet. Will be able to hit this on Sunday.
While working through these issues I am continuing to work on other assembly tasks. I expect these blockers to add 2-3 days to the initial shipment.
I will keep everyone posted if anything else pops up and will share the results of the in-progress fixes as soon as possible. The next shipment update will got out no Later than Tuesday night.