Hey folks, hope all is well out there. Here are today's bits:
Current Todo List:
Head section layout: With the addition of the power supply enclosure, I have had to make changes to the internal structure of the head unit. The primary change is to shorten one of the supports of the grinder mount to not conflict with the enclosures position. I have designed the new layout as well as mounted the supply enclosure to the unit currently being assembled (shown in the pictures below). To get the updated grinder mount assembled, I will have to do some disassembly of the head section. I might have to tweak some things while working through the assembly, so it will take a few hours before I can sign off on it.
IDC Breakouts: In order to simplify the wiring for certain sensors (rfid, mug platform scale), I am creating two additional breakouts that will utilize a 16pin ribbon connector. The issue here is really the distance between the main PCB and the mug platform itself. Using the ribbon cable and breakout gives me some routing flexibility. I have all parts on hand for this addition.
Code Freeze: MugsyOS is in a very good place right now and I am preparing to call a code freeze for this initial round of assembled units. Beyond prepping the github for public release, I don’t see more than another 2-3 hours of tying up loose ends here.
Laser: I still have a bunch of panels to cut.
Next Steps:
The current goal is to finish up the remaining assembly and wiring by Tuesday night, do some final testing on Wednesday and then ship the single assembled unit on Thursday or Friday. Right now I feel like the likelihood of that all working out is 70/30.
The next shipping and assembly update will be on Wednesday night.