
Hey folks! As discussed in the last update, I returned from a short trip a few days ago and have been catching up since then. There is nothing too significant to report just yet, but here are a couple of quick details until the next proper update:

  • I have assembled the new grinder mount design and integrated it into the head section. The DC power supply can now be installed into the preferred position without issue:

  • I made some other updates to the head unit layout while working through assembly that should simplify the process a bit.

  • I am currently blocked on the screen stabilizer. The current config just isn’t working well at all. I am working on a revision that should solve the problem. Probably not going to test this until Tuesday/Wednesday.

  • If all goes well with the remaining assembly, Im hoping to be able to ship sometime mid next week.

  • Next full update will be this weekend, with a quick update in the next couple of days to confirm I have resolved the screen stabilizer blocker.

