Hey folks, hope all is well out there!
Water Spout:
As mentioned in the previous update, I was working on spout control mechanics/code. I have completed that work and am quite happy with the final results. Some info:
Spout movement is controlled by a stepper as precision servo control was wonky at the best of times.
The stepper is set up for micro-stepping (1/32).
The micro-stepping allows for much more precise control at lower speeds. Without it, low speeds can cause the motor to resonate, resulting in a lot of noise and stuttering/vibrations. It also allows for very smooth acceleration and deceleration which helps us program movements that feel natural and get closer to replicating the results of a hand pour. Here is a quick video showing some basic (and smooth!) spout movement:
Current Work:
Now that the spout work is complete I have moved on to testing the grinder set up. Primary focus here is:
Making sure the grinder mount and output positioning is the best it can be.
Control timing is synced with the grind weight sensors.
Still no firm ship date. Likely 10-14 days given the current todo list.
Ok, that is all for now. Will see everyone again in a few days. Thanks!