Hey folks, hope all is well out there. Here are the bits:
Auth: As noted a few days back, I spent quite a few Mugsy shifts this last week finalizing and testing the auth set up and I can confirm it is working very well. There are some admin related tasks to link some additional SSO providers but I’m calling this done.
Cloud Control Onboarding: Thanks to everyone who reached out last week to help test out the CC onboarding process. We have a great group! Now that my production auth tasks are completed, this is ready to start. Unfortunately with the surgery on Tuesday I will not be able to manage and monitor the test so it will be pushed to next week. Testers will emailed with timing updates at some point next week.
In the meantime I have been populating the Cloud Control initial dashboard view and testing the order/shipment linking. Here are some screenshots of the Dark and Nord themes:
Theme: Dark
Theme: Nord
I have a ton of place holder junk on the lander so cropped the screenshots to only display actual working functionality and give an idea on how things look.
PCBs: All remaining PCBs are in fabrication. Expected to ship out on Tuesday/Wednesday.
As of now I am off the clock in regards to Mugsy. Tomo will be closing out day job tasks/code reviews and prepping for Tuesday. I am eager to get back to work and will hit the desk the second I am able to.
My assumption is that I will be feeling up to coding before assembly related tasks. So you should expect that the next couple of updates will be software related. Once I see how the arm is shaking out, I’ll provide an estimate on when I will be back on assembly.
I will be unable to respond to any emails for at least the next 3-4 days. I’ll push out a short update once I am moving around again.
Ok, that is all for now, I’ll see everyone as soon as possible!