Timeline Update

Hey folks, here are the bits:

Current Work in Progress

Mech-Control <-> Operator Communications Testing: This test was waiting on a refactor of the microcontroller code, which now been completed and released on GitHub. Testing is underway and should be wrapped up after this weekend.

DECAF API: All Express endpoint functionality is complete, along with authentication and other related middleware. What's left is adding middleware to all the endpoints and converting some of the existing schemas and queries to use Drizzle. This is mostly grunt work, and I just need to dedicate a few shifts to slog through it. Expected completion is between now and the end of the first week in November. The basic DECAF application minus these endpoints has been released on GitHub. Aside from the basic app release, I haven't revisited this much since our last timeline update.

Frontend Development: While each feature and view is completed, there's still some work to do. I’m focusing on code cleanup, baseline app structure, and thorough testing to ensure everything runs smoothly. I plan to release the initial install with limited views in the first or second week of November, similar to how DECAF is being published.

I'm not including minor tasks like PCB tweaks and documentation in this update, but I'll start covering these details in future updates.

I'll also be traveling for work all next week, so I've added some buffer time to account for the days I won't be able to work on Mugsy.

Testing and Feedback

My goal is to get a few kits out to users for testing in about a month. I'll also be sending out two assembled units during this time, so I should start receiving feedback quickly, even if some users take a bit of time to build their kits.

I'll be working closely with these users to track any issues and bugs that may come up. Optimistically, if all goes well and the bugs are minor, we could wrap this phase up in 2–3 weeks. However, this task has the greatest opportunity to go long, so I'll keep updating the blog as things move forward.

Shipping Plans

Once testing is completed, I'll start packing and shipping kits. The first couple of weeks will involve small batches so I can manage onboarding and support effectively. As things smooth out, I'll ramp up batch totals to ship out as many as I can pack.

Estimated Delivery Timelines

My best estimate is that some of you will have your kits in hand before the end of the year. These are standard deliveries, not just for test users. By the end of January, I hope to have around a quarter to half of the kits and assembled units delivered, with the remaining going out over the following 4–8 weeks.

There's some variance possible, and this is tightly coupled to how the next 2–3 weeks go, so I'll continue to keep you all updated on timelines as often as possible.

What's Next

My primary task when I return from my work trip is to get a video of a brew demo up. I've been releasing lots of mech demos, but I get that folks want to see it making coffee, not miming it. I'll try to have this ready by the 28th if I can.

I'll have a short update going out on Sunday night to cover any additional progress.

Thank you all for your continued support and patience. I'm excited to get Mugsy into your hands soon!

