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Hey folks, hope all is well! Here are the bits:

Brew with MQTT:

This week I stayed focused on brew related functionality. The most significant work was integrating the MQTT control into DECAF. I will have an update out covering this in detail at some point, but for now here are the main points:

There are two main setups, local and cloud:

  • Local: You can subscribe to topics from any existing broker on the local network. There is also an optional Mosquitto broker available on Mugsy if you need to spin one up. This is good for your local Home Assistant setup, random Arduino experiments, wake up routines, CLI commands, etc.

  • Cloud: This is for integrations that run off network. Think Slack, Discord, SMS, etc. It runs on AWS IOT Core. When you register your machine with Cloud Control, certificates are automatically dowloaded that allow you to connect to this broker.

When a brew message is received, if it authenticates, the info is forwarded to the standard DECAF brew endpoint. Since everything is still hitting the endpoints, all of the same controls, auth reqs, etc, still exist. I will cover this in more detail in a future update.

Currently, only the brew by recipe ID endpoint is exposed to the MQTT listener. It is easy to open up to other endpoints as needed.

You also are free to ignore all of this and set everything up manually to fit your specific requirements. This is all just the “easy peasy, click a couple buttons and you’re good to go” stuff and should cover 99% of most use cases.

In the following demo, I started the brew using the local broker. The MQTT message was sent using a tiny, single function swift app on another system.

Some notes about the vid:

  • It’s kind of crappy demo, flow rate too low and not primed, I’m not using the correct filter for the cone type, and the cone is askew. But, I ran out of coffee so I wasn’t able to film more brew examples today.

  • There’s nothing actually different about this brew vs any other one despite being started by an MQTT message. I will set the next demo up to better illustrate the remote nature of the functionality. Womp womp.

  • The cone scale limits had been updated, so you may notice the water levels are a lot less critical than the previous demo.


I decided to switch gears to the grinder instead of the enclosure as noted in the last update. I realized I should get anything brew related wrapped first, so I don’t have to work in a box. Just about done and the next demo will feature grinder functionality.

Ok, that is all for now. See everyone next weekend. Cheers!