
Hey folks, hope all is well out there. Apologies for the delay getting this update out, the last week and a half was a total slog to get through.

Grind by Weight

I have added a basic grind by weight endpoint to Operator. It is lacking some features to control overshoot, but other than that it is working quite well. It has been added to the Operator repo on Github. It currently lives with the relay endpoints. This is temporary and it will be moved to its own feature route after the remaining functionality is completed.

In the following demo, I sent a request with a grind weight of 10g and we ended up with 11g. Some additional details:

  • I was working pretty fast today and constraints and configs were quite loose. Basically I was making a mess.

  • The cone pulley on this mech is a bit tight so it took me a moment to get the cone out . I sped up this section so I didn’t have to watch myself fumble for as long… There are no other edits.

  • I was just testing grind by weight and did not provide power to the mech’s stepper, so no spinning cone.

I need another session to finish the overshoot controls and refactor the code a little bit, just some housekeeping and best practice stuff.

I will be unable to work on Mugsy again until Friday the 14th and may be slow to respond to emails until then as well. I will wrap up the final bits of this feature then. The rest of next weekend will be moving everything back into the enclosure for full brew testing. I don’t want to overpromise on what that weekend’s demo will cover, but I will share whatever has been completed.

I still need to do another formal breakdown on what work is left. I have not had a chance to do this for a long while and it will still likely be another week. Im still feeling like 4-6 weeks is close for some shipments to start, but need to firm up these details asap. I will make this the priority after next weekend.

Thanks again for the continued support and I will see everyone next weekend.

