Shipping Update

Hey folks, just a quick post to go over shipping updates.

Directs are Still Being Held

Directs will be held for at least a few more days while I run some additional tests on power routing and supplies.

I know how frustrating these delays continually popping up are, but this is where past experience shipping hardware projects would have resolved these issues early on. When I'm just about ready to ship and I realize I neglected to check "x feature/design for y failure" I have to stop everything and jump on it. Questions like "what happens if a leak dumps water into the relay modules?" and "What happens if the water level sensor in the boiler fails and the boiler is running on empty?" need to be answered. Some of these failures can be handled safely with software checks, but others require hands on testing.

Plenty of backers have stated the are ok with getting something that is not a 100% perfect version 1.0. I am totally on board with that. But when the questions are related to something like power, it can't be dealt with later on. A coffee machine mixes lots of heat, steam and electricity together and it needs to be safe under all circumstances.

The good news is that I have pulled in some people with the right expertise to help out with these last couple of sign offs. We will be working through the next 2-4 days to hopefully get these ironed out in time for the start of next week.

Units with ETAs that are impacted by this (2/12-2/14) will have an updated ETA at some point on Monday.

I will have another short update going out tomorrow (Friday night) to cover the relaunch of the forum and Cloud Control. I may have new info on the power testing by then, but if not, there will be an update on Sunday or Monday to cover it in detail.

I also have several tickets to hit and will have any remaining ones answered within 24-48 hours.

Thanks and I hope you have a great day/night!



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