cloudControl / Community Forum

Hey folks, just a quick update to go over the relaunching of cloudControl and the community forum.

Forum Is Now Live

  • The forum is now back up and open for everyone. You can access it at:

  • Everything is exactly as it was minus two posts. One of our users felt that they had personal info exposed and requested that I remove the posts before relaunching. In these cases we will always defer to maximum privacy and in this instance the removal was warranted.

cloudControl Is Now Live

  • Cloud Control is back up, you can access it here:

  • There is currently a bug impacting API key creation. It surfaced after moving the new code to the production server. Not totally sure on the cause yet but expect it to be resolved when I have a chance to hit it in on Saturday or Sunday. You can see the error message in the top left corner of this image:

  • The error states "Key Creation Security Violation" followed by the IP of the logged in user. This system is what allows us to black list all keys from a specific user, integration or IP. I'm guessing I have a flag set incorrectly somewhere so should be a very quick fix.

  • Community and Settings links are not active while the keys are down and apps can not be installed until keys can be created.

  • There are a few CSS bugs to fix on mobile.

  • Features and fixes will continue to pop up over the coming days and weeks, so please check back often for new content.


I also want to quickly clarify some info from yesterday's shipping update. I think my wording led to some confusion regarding the failure testing. There is no specific hardware issue that needs to be repaired. The testing is meant to provide data on what happens when a specific type of failure occurs. Basically, "if this happens, does anything dangerous result from it?". This specific failure type is something that I unfortunately neglected to test early on.

Several users voiced some well founded concerns and requested additional info regarding shipments and timelines. I will be providing the info requested and answers to all of those questions in the next update, going out on Sunday or Monday night.

Ok, that is all for tonight. I look forward to the next update and will keep everyone posted of all progress on the social channels until then.


