
Hey folks, hope all is well out there. Here are the current bits:

  • The revised cone mech PCB has arrived:

  • Quick trace test looks good and I will be installing them for full testing at some point this week. The revision was pretty minor so do not expect any issues here.

  • Still working on the middleware updates since finalizing the recipe’s pour pattern designer. This middleware translates the pour pattern into commands that the microcontroller can understand. Not a ton left to do but it’s been hard stringing enough hours together the last week. Realistic ETA on completing this is middle of next week.

  • After that, there are a few holes in the code for the weight sensors, as well as some triple checking the sensor wiring layout. This area was a primary focus a few months back, so just needs a day or two to bring it to 100% completion.

  • As mentioned in the previous update, I am eager to get a firm ship date out to everyone. I will be focusing on documenting remaining work in order to calculate the ETA next week.

  • As of this Friday, I will be on winter break form the day job. I have about two weeks off and will be full time on Mugsy everyday minus the two actual holidays.

OK, that is it for right now. I will have a quick update going out this Friday before the holiday. Thanks!
