Hey folks, hope all is well out there! Here are the bits:
Ive been tying up some remaining loose ends on the hardware side while working through lots of testing. I have confirmed fit and function for the cone mech’s PCB. This small breakout board sits within the cone mech enclosure. It accepts the RJ45 cable from the main controller, and the stepper and status led connect with JST.
Fit and functionality works great, although I have updated the design to add additional M3 mounting hole for more stability. Updated design is already being fabricated
Staying in the Cone/Pouring side, I have been tweaking the spout limit switch positioning and code. Some new limit switches are arriving today that have a longer trigger which should simplify positioning/adjustability.
The pour hardware testing has been the major focus the last several days because to accurately test the frontend recipe creation/pour control, these items need to no longer be in flux. Otherwise I’ll have to re-test if anything changes.
Other than that, I have been thinking hard about what is left to do and how to organize and schedule it out. All of the “big” stuff is mostly done but there is still a lot to do to bring each piece to 100% completion. I want to be able to provide everyone with a firm ship start date and I want to be able to share details on how I come up with that date. That is going to take me a few days.
Ok, that is all for right now. No firm date on the next update, but not later than the weekend. Thanks!