Hey folks, hope all is well out there! Here are today’s bits:
Screen Stabilizer: As noted in the last update, the screen stabilizer blocker is now solved. The new setup works perfectly and additional batches are currently being cut. For those who missed it, here is a pic:
Mug Platform: I have wired up the mug platform weight sensors. It is working quite well but there is one minor issue to solve. The sensor wires are picking up some noise which is causing small oscillations in the sensor readings. This is a fairly common issue with the amplifier used in this circuit. It should be able to be fixed in one of two ways:
Shorten the sensor wires and braid them.
Place a capacitor to smooth out the voltage before it hits the HX711.
Plumbing: I have done just about zero new plumbing work on the assembled units. I will be working through this over the weekend.
Code: The water pump controller code will need to be updated to read the mug platform sensors. Should be quick and completed this weekend.
Shipping: I’m not quite ready to share a shipping date but am hoping to be able to set a firm date in Sunday’s update.
Ok, that is all for now. I will have another update on Sunday unless there is something worth sharing before then. Thanks!