Status Update

Hey folks, hope all is well out there!

After several unsuccessful attempts to resolve the weight sensor fluctuations, I realized that I had been sent mislabeled 50kg weight sensors. With 4 sensors, thats a combined total of 200 kg. The weights I was calibrating with (50-200g) are such a small percentage of that combined total that the strain values were basically noise.

I did have additional sensors available that I could confirm were designed for a much lower total weight (less than 5kg). After wiring these up, the results were much much better. I was able to calibrate the accuracy to +/- 0.5g - 1g. Very with happy with that result and ready to move on to these next steps:

  • These strain sensors are smaller than the sensors I was original using so I need to redesign the mounts to fit. The mounts are actually designed as two pieces, the main support for the platform, plus a smaller piece to mount the sensor to the main support. Only this smaller mount needs to be redesigned:

  • The new weight sensor code has been integrated into the primary Arduino script, but it has not yet been integrated into the water pump control code loop itself. I was hoping to have this done already but spent an extra few days tracking down the cause of the fluctuations. I have already wired up the driver, pumps, and power supply so can start coding and testing immediately.

I expect the remaining work on the the water flow control to be completed by Tuesday night. Once flow control is completed, I will be running tests on the heater element and the spout servo control. From there, the final step will be running through the interface with all hardware hooked up to confirm everything is working as expected. Once interface control testing is in progress, I will be able to give a firm ship date.

I will push another status update out Wednesday night to confirm progress.

