Hey folks, hope all is well out there! Here are todays bits:
Recently Completed: I have completed the integration of all weight sensor functionality. This includes the microcontroller code to control pumps/grinder and the interface code to display the data.
Currently Working On: Today I am taking a break from assembly and concentrating on several important plumbing/structural tasks:
Updating the .env set up and replacing any hardcoded config settings (ex: os.environ.get("MONGO_URL"))
System management scripts. These are things that are not specific to the mugsyOS code but important to keeping the overall system OS healthy and secure.
MugsyOS Distribution Image: This is where we create a distributable and easily installable Pi image that can be used to turn an existing Pi into a Mugsy controller. I had done a basic pass on this a while back, but things have changed so much software wise I’m basically starting from scratch. There are few methods to handle the creation of this image and I am currently reading through opinions/options/best practices. I don’t think I will actually start creating this image until Monday or Tuesday but expect to have my plan laid out by end of day today.
Shipping: I am still feeling good about getting the first assembled units out on the 9th or 10th. I am off most of this upcoming work week and will be focusing only on finishing up.
Ok, thats all for now. Next update will be next weekend unless something worth sharing pops up sooner. Thanks!