Hey folks! Hope all is well out there. Just a couple of things to hit today:
I made some additional updates to the water weight -> pump controller code over the last couple of days. It’s working really well with consistently reproducible results. The weight sensors do take a split second to settle before you can consider the reading to be accurate, so I need to add a check to slow or pause the flow rate a bit as it gets closer to the final weight. It currently overshoots by about half a gram, so not too significant. Here is a quick and dirty vid from some pump/platform testing that demonstrates the overshoot:
In addition to the overshoot check (a very basic update), my integration of this functionality into the main microcontroller code has caused some time blocking of other functions. not a huge deal but I will have to refactor some of the timing code. This will be completed in the next day or so.
As for shipping, I’m feeling very confident that some assembled units will head out no later than 4/10, possibly sooner.
Once the above software updates are complete, I’ll move back to completing assembly.
Ok, thats all for now. I’m hoping to have demos and initial code releases coming out later this week. I expect there will be s quick update out on Thursday or Friday with a long form on Sunday.